Most businesses today already have a website. However, one key mistake business owners make when having a website built is to think that having one is enough. A website can be a versatile tool for your business if you put a lot of effort and time into it. Apart from looking for suitable website hosting and for a company that specializes in website maintenance services, there are a few other things that companies can do to optimize their websites and get more out of their investment. You, as a business owner should know all these. SEO or search engine optimization is one thing. Most business owners might ask why they should invest in SEO when many pundits have long said that it is no longer relevant. Well. here are a few reasons why you should believe otherwise. First, it actually works. Although SEO's death has been predicted many times in the past, it still remains alive and relevant. And if you look at the signs, it will likely stay that way. True, changes in search en...